Exclusive - His Wife Passed Away After Being Together For 60 Years, But When He Checked Her Things He Did Not Expect That He Would Find This!

Losing someone you love is devastating especially when you have spent your whole life with them . But having assurance that they'll always be with you is like a warm hug from them. 

Cliff Sims wrote the story of his grandparents for Yellowhammer News and it has touched the hearts of many.

Billie and Jimmy Breland were married in 1954 and lived together for 60 years. Billie was a public school teacher, while Jimmy was a Baptist Student Minister and they helped out with their community in Mississippi.

His Wife Passed Away After Being Together For 60 Years, But When He Checked Her Things He Did Not Expect That He Would Find This!

However, after living blissfully, last 2015 Billie's health took a turn and she was was confined in a hospital. Jimmy never left her side and he took care of her every second of the day. But Billie's days came to an end as she passed away at the age of 83.

After two days, Jimmy found something from Billie's things and he thought that it is only an ordinary note as his wife was in the habit of leaving reminders for herself.

His Wife Passed Away After Being Together For 60 Years, But When He Checked Her Things He Did Not Expect That He Would Find This!

But upon examination, Jimmy found that the note was not for Billie but for him!
Source: TNP, Littlethings

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