Exclusive - Inspiring! Daughter Of Empanada Vendor And Welder Is One Of The Topnotchers Of Nursing Board Exam

A mother's hard work in cooking empanada and a father's sweat on his job as a welder made their daughter not only a nursing graduate but also a top-notcher in the recent nursing board exams.

Out of 14,322 takers, Shannara Mica Guira Tamayao of Mariano Marcos State University - Batac ranked 10th, together with 18 other new nurses, with the score of 84.60.

According to a report from GMA News' 24 Oras last Thursday, Tamayao said that poverty was not an obstacle for her in finishing her degree and becoming a top-notcher. 

This is why she was ecstatic when she told her parents that their daughter belongs to the cream of the crop of new nurses of the country.

As the eldest daughter of the Tamayao family, she was determined to elevate her family from poverty and provide them a good and comfortable life they deserve.

Tamayao's excellence has always been prominent. She was a consistent honor student from elementary and high school.

What is next for her? She said she plans on taking a National Council Licensure exam and a masteral degree before getting a job.

Tamayao hopes that the time will come that her parents would be off construction sites or the streets so that they can rest on comfortable chairs.

Source: TNP, GMA

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