Exclusive - Is Your Lover Tired Of You? 10 Signs Indicating That You Should Not Be Together Anymore. #9 Is A Red Flag!
Notice the way your partner treats you and acts around you? Every detail can tell you a lot about how he or she feels about you, especially if you notice drastic changes in the way they treat you.
You must not ignore these signs because they can determine the future of your relationship – whether you will break up or you will be able to work things out.
Here are the 10 most important indications of how your partner really feels about you:
1. He/she is rude to you
If your partner is rude to you and justifies it by bringing up the bad things that you went through together, then it`s not worth trying to repair a relationship that is clearly dying.
2. No more topics for conversation
If your partner is no longer interested in talking to you, then it could be a sign that it`s time for you to go your separate ways.
3. Blames you for everything that happens
Does your partner always blame you when bad things happen? Leave.
4. Your partner is more annoyed than loving
If partner is constantly annoyed by you and can`t stand being around you, and if you feel like everything you do is not good enough for him/her, you might need to let them go.
5. He/She`s always late and has an excuse for not being at home
If your partner is always late from work, often goes on suspicious “business trips” or is always out drinking and hanging out with his friends without informing or inviting you then he/she might be getting tired of your company.
6. Doesn`t give you any explanation for anything
If your partner doesn`t feel the need to give any explanations for the things they do, then they probably don`t consider you important enough. If you don`t matter to him/her, then why are you still together?
7. You are no longer part of his/hers plans
If your partner is making plans for the future without you, the best thing to do is to go your separate ways.
8. He always thinks of something else
You can easily notice this. If he/she does not show any interest in you but shows interest in someone else, then it`s time to have a serious talk about the future of your relationship. Our suggestion is to focus on yourself.
9. Doesn`t demonstrate love any more
If you feel like you are no longer receiving the love you think you deserve, then you should end the relationship immediately and focus on yourself.
10. You started hating yourself
If your partner’s behaviour is making you question your self-worth and causing you to hate yourself, then you should break up and focus on yourself.
Source: TNP, Thedailystarter