Exclusive - Man Sticks His Finger Inside A Hole In His Backyard and It Almost Cost Him His Life!
A man from Australia found a hole in his backyard hole that riled his curiosity. So he took a picture and posted it on the internet, saying that if the post got enough votes then he would stick his finger inside the hole.
Soon enough, people urged him to do it, and when he stuck his finger in the hole he found out that it was actually home to a funnel spider – one of the most venomous spiders in existence!
Funnel Spiders can be found in coastal and mountain regions of Australia and belong to the families: Hadronyche (which is not associated with any human fatalities) and Atrax (which is reported to have killed 13 people already).
Apparently, not all holes need to be explored.
Source: TNP, Viral4real