Exclusive - Read These Ten Reasons Why Beer Is Actually Good For You!

Many Filipinos love a cold bottle of beer. They might look for one after work to cap off a day - or to start their holiday celebrations with loved ones.

Yes, beer is an alcoholic beverage. Historically, there have been a lot of problems associated with alcohol. 

But did you know that beer has many other beneficial side effects as well?

If taken in moderation and whenever appropriate, beer can actually improve your overall health. 

Please drink moderately. 

Here are 10 Reasons why beer is good for you!

1. Beer is full of Vitamin B
Beer has an antioxidant content equivalent to wine but has far more protein and vitamin B. In fact, beer is known to be a source of B vitamins like: niacin, folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. Researchers found a 30 percent higher level of vitamin B6 in beer drinkers than their non-drinking counterparts. Those levels were twice as high as those of wine drinkers

2. Beer can help keep your kidneys healthy.
Researchers in Finland discovered that one bottle of beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by as much as 40%

3. Beer can help reduce your bad cholesterol
Fiber found in beer can help reduce your levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind of cholesterol).

4. Beer helps make your bones stronger
A study in 2009 showed that the elevated levels of silicon found in beer help with higher bone density. 

5. Beer reduces cardiovascular disease risk
Italian scientists found that moderate beer drinkers have 42% lower risk of heart disease compared to non-drinkers. The researchers advice keeping your consumption to one pint, at around 5 percent alcohol by volume per day. This is to gain the maximum benefit from the beer.

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