Exclusive - Study Discovers That Weight Gain Has Something To Do With Your Current Relationship!

Science and research is claiming that the happier couples are, the more weight they gain.

This study, conducted and published year 2013 by the American Psychological Association, claims "Marital Satisfaction Predicts Weight Gain in Early Marriage."

The study that was conducted for four years followed 169 couples on their marriages. Many factors were monitored by the research team bianually such as the couples' height, stress, marital satisfaction and even the journey of some towards divorce.

"Given that satisfied newlyweds have already attracted a desirable mate, they may relax their diet and exercise regimen and, therefore, gain weight," claims the study.

According to the study, it was the conscious effort on the part of those who maintained their weight. This will possibly help in attracting other potential partners, thus people who are either single or are in an unhappy relationship will be less likely to gain pounds.

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