Exclusive - Two Puppies Fall Into A Deep Pit With A Dangerous Cobra And The Cobra Totally Surprised Everyone With What It Did!

People in Punjab, India noticed that something was wrong after they heard a dog barking loudly in a pit. They found out that two puppies fell into the deep pit with a King Cobra!

But instead of eating them for lunch, the King Cobra did not show any signs of aggression. In fact, people observed that the snake was surprisingly gentle with the two puppies.

They called the forest protection service to rescue the puppies in the pit and it took them two days to finally get the animals free. Instead of attacking with its poisonous venom, the Cobra resisted and was released into the wild.

This amazing story is still shocking to people. Some call it a miracle while some say it is a proof that even animals have more mercy than humans.

Two Puppies Fall Into A Deep Pit With A Dangerous Cobra And The Cobra Totally Surprised Everyone With What It Did!
Source: TNP , Kami

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