Exclusive - VP Leni Raises Issue of Low Housing Budget: 'If This Is Not Taken Seriously, Nothing Will Really Happen to Housing.'

Leni Robredo boldly spoke as she raised the issue of lower budget in housing in the Department of Budget and Management

According to her, she already spoke out about this concern to budget secretary Benjamin Diokno

“We are saying if this is not taken seriously, nothing will really happen to housing. The housing backlog will just escalate,” Robredo said.

“Secretary Diokno told us that he would support all our programs as long as we would make sure all of these programs are in order."

However, she assured that her office is doing its best to search for other options to improve their projects.

“We are exploring the possibility not to get all the funds from the government. Here is where private-public partnerships would come in."

She claims that privately-owned businesses would be a great help in the legislature of purchasing properties. She also noted that the Aquino administration was able to hike up the budget because of its effective development of the economic sector

VP Leni Raises Issue of Low Housing Budget: 'If This Is Not Taken Seriously, Nothing Will Really Happen to Housing.'
Source: TNP NowReader

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