Exclusive - WATCH: This Boy Made An Emotional Goodbye To His 17-Year Old Pet Dog. This Will Surely Break Your Heart!

Pets are definitely hard to let go especially if they've been with you since the day you were born. This little boy knows this too well, and he went viral after his dad recorded him grieving over his 17-year-old dog, BaoBao. According to the source, an accident crippled Baobao which eventually led to his death. 

The tragedy happened when the father took the dog on a scooter ride, as they usually do. Everything was going fine. However, when they reached the intersection, Baobao fell off. “There was only one other vehicle anywhere near me. Its rear tire went over BaoBao’s back crippling her and smashing her pelvis. She would have needed extensive surgery and with no guarantee of being able to walk ever again,” the father shared.

They then had to decide the most painful decision of all. They had to say goodbye. The father tried his very best to explain it to his son the best that he can so he can lessen his grief. 

“She had just had an amazingly fun week and with her hearing, sight, bladder control all already diminished greatly, I thought it best to not put her through the pain of surgeries and physical therapy. Over the next year or two she would have aged/worsened a lot. So I made the call to put her down while she was still ‘herself’ and not in too much pain,” the father said.

“She’ll go to sleep. She’ll wake up with heavenly Father and that’s a good time to go.” he added. 

His son replied: “But I’ll miss her.”

Watch the heartbreaking video below:

Source: TNP, Youtube

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