Exclusive - Watch What Happens When This Man Lights 10,000 Sparklers All At Once

Welcome to the year 2017, reader. 

As a part of your New Year's celebration, you've probably watched some fireworks last night. 

Maybe you watched some peony fireworks bloom or saw light fountains erupt in the street. If you enjoy or are familiar with fireworks, then you'll definitely have heard of sparklers. 

Sparklers are those little sticks of gunpowder that well, produce just that, sparks. They're  the simple kind of firework your nervous grandmother will allow you to use. 

In fact, because sparklers are fairly safe, a lot of kids usually light more than one. You can find some kids and a few adults waving one in each hand. And when the sparklers go out, what do they do? They'll just light more.

But just how safe are these little things? 

A Youtube user decided to find out what would happen if you lit more than one - 10,000 sticks to be exact - at the same time. 

The video by Slivki Show EN featured the user compiling 10,000 sticks of sparklers and tying them together. He then put the sticks in a large bucket and drove over to an open field. 

After arriving in the field, he lit the bundle of sparklers. What happened ext is an awesome but equally frightening sight.

It's clear in the video that under certain circumstances, even simple sparklers can be dangerous. Remember, all types of fireworks should be handled carefully and under adult supervision. 

Warning! Do not try this at home.

Watch the sparkler stunt down below!

Source: TNPlittlethings

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