Viral Now - 4 Tips for Whitetail Deer Hunting

Deer Hunting is considered the outdoor passion of America. It is not only a great source of outdoor activity but is also a cultural phenomenon where storytelling hunters share their successes and failures.

Deer hunting can be exciting and challenging due to the fact that deer can be found in different settings. You may find them in hilly or flat areas, land which is relatively plain or of agricultural nature. As such deer hunting is a complicated game and requires serious know-how of not only the terrain but also hunting techniques.

Among deer, whitetail hunting is considered more exciting and ubiquitous in nature. Whitetail deer hunting is also popular due to the fact that it is a widely distributed animal across the US. To have an exciting and successful whitetail deer hunt you need to learn some skills.

So, if you are planning to go hunting for deer, here are some tips for you:

1. Strategies vary during the year

A strategy for hunting deer during the rutting season may be different from the usual strategy for hunting before the rutting season begins. There are several methods that apply across the board. Learn about the terrain first before you plan for the expedition and learn from the people who have experience. It is also a fact that deer roam different terrain under different seasons. In the US especially, States like Flordia, Kentucky, Illinois, and Kansas have different deer hunting seasons. You need to plan according to the terrain or place where you are going to hunt.

2. Prepare yourself

Great hunters always prepare in advance and plan ahead. Always get local information about the terrain ahead of time. Once you identify your hunting fields, its time to start preparing.

Hunting guns, caps, jackets, ammunition, water and of course your best hunting boots all need to be with you. Without proper gear and hunting boots, you are not going to sit for the long period of time it takes to wait for the kill. Make sure you always have the right equipment with you before you embark on your hunting journey.

3. Learn where to find the deer

Deer are found in funnels, ridges, creeks and swamps. You can walk specific deer routes too. Finding the waterholes in the deer routes can be one of the easiest ways to find them. Walking along agriculture tracts is another simple way to locate them. When they go into fields to find food, they normally take a route which runs between two fields or connects them.

While navigating the terrain make sure you have a smartphone; or you can use any of the best survival watches for quick and easy navigation of the area. Having GPS enabled devices or watches are critical for safety, especially in an unknown terrain.

4. Take a shower and perfume yourself

It is a fact that deer do not like human odor and can easily be spooked by it. Good hunters always take a bath before going out in the field and also use deodorants and perfumes. You should make sure that you are clean and smell good otherwise you may fail to find a single deer. Also, try not to contaminate your hunting clothes or gear along the way.

Deer hunting is challenging and it is not for everyone. If you want some thrill, excitement and you love to go out and connect with nature, you can follow above tips for a more successful hunt. Make sure you don’t overhunt and do not disturb the ecosystem of nature. Just go for enjoyment and use this as an opportunity to connect with nature and understand how animals live.

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