Viral Now - 5 Organic Products You Had No Idea Existed


When you think of “organic,” what first comes to mind? Maybe a farmer’s market full of fresh fruits and vegetables, and stalls of goat cheese and clover honey? If you are fortunate enough to live in a larger metropolitan area, you may even have an organic grocery store to help you in your quest for cleaner living. Even in the larger grocery or big box stores you will find an aisle or two of organic products, or “all natural” bath or cleaning products. But just in case that is not enough, how much farther can you actually go without relocating to your own sustainable farm? What other products might be available to help achieve a completely organic nirvana? Well look no further…

1. Ash and Brans Soap Berries

These little berries are amazing! They are actual berries from actual trees, and they can clean just about anything. They are the fruit of the Sapindus mukorossi tree that grows in Southeast Asia, and is sometimes referred to as a Chinese soapberry or walnut. Most commonly used in the washing machine to replace detergents, with minimal effort on your part (usually just soaking in water and sometimes a little boiling) you can make your own all-purpose household cleaning products. But the fun doesn’t stop there: they can also be used to replace shampoos, hand soaps, and body wash, with the added benefit of clearing up minor skin issues such as eczema. And wait, there’s more; soap berries also act as a totally safe and natural insect repellant that is even safe for use on infants.

2. Good Earth Cat Litter

Even your kitties can go organic! Eco-friendly cat litters are beginning to make a splash (or maybe a clump) with the new, Good Earth Cat Litter topping the list. 100% US sourced, non GMO grasses are finely chopped and ground, then pressed into absorbent little pellets that clump for easy scooping. Apparently, they are so completely natural that they can actually be eaten. (They reportedly taste like rice puffs in case you’re wondering). Good Earth Cat Litter is a completely dust free, 100% biodegradable, low odor cat litter that is safer for both the environment and your feline friends.

3. Chirps Cricket Chips

Other cultures have been dining on bugs for years; now you can, too! This one may not be for the faint of heart, but yes, you can eat all of these little chips that you want, because they are packed with 3 times the protein and 40% less fat than regular potato chips. Chirps Cricket Chips are made from a bean base and chia seeds using cricket flour, which is exactly what you might guess it to be – highly sustainable ground crickets. Some of the amazing benefits of cricket flour includes being low in calories, fat, and carbs, while high in protein, iron and calcium, and completely gluten free. And for those of you who like to mix things up a little, Chirps Cricket Chips offers 3 tantalizing flavors to tempt your tummy: sea salt, hickory bar-b-que, and aged cheddar.

4. Delighted By Dessert Hummus

Yes, you read that right: DESSERT HUMMUS. Could it get any better that that? We’ve all been dipping our pita bread and fresh veggies in the popular chick-pea pasta for years; now we can enjoy it for dessert as well. With flavors like brownie batter, snickerdoodle, orange dreamsicle, or vanilla bean you can have your dessert and eat it, too. Even better is the fact that Delighted by Dessert Hummus promises absolutely zero wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, eggs or nuts, so get your dippers ready!

5. Genexa Cold Crush Cold Medicine

The words “medicine” and “organic” are two words that are usually not used together, but Genexa has created a cold medicine (along with several other organic OTCs for both adults and children) that is just that: organic. Their chewable cold tablets are plant based and contain no antibiotics, GMOs, or growth hormones. One might wonder how well they work, but rest assured their reviews are amazing. They have been proven to effectively treat common cold symptoms, including congestion, mucus, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing.

If you’re still itching to check out more organic products, you can find plenty on organically blissful’s blog, which inspired me to write about this topic. The organic industry is growing rapidly and it’s only a matter of time before almost everything you eat or use is organic.

Featured photo credit: Mercola via

The post 5 Organic Products You Had No Idea Existed appeared first on Lifehack.

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