Viral Now - 5 Recent Technological Advancements In 2016


Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been looking at ways that technology is changing the way humans interact. For example, if you grew up in the 80’s, then you know how the introduction of computers changed everything. We now have robots working in factories, online commerce, the banking infrastructure has grown, and it’s easy to connect with people across the world. However, it’s important to note this phenomenon hasn’t stopped in the 80’s because almost every year, we see new technological advancements taking place.

I decided to do some research putting together 5 major advancements taking place right now.

1. Next Generation Batteries

That’s right! Companies are working towards making batteries better, that last longer. The mission of the top battery companies is to create an environment where batteries can last 3 days after being used non-stop. You’ll be surprised how close they are to the solution because Sion Power, based in Tucson, Arizona have come up with a Lithium Sulphur battery with twice the density. For example, by using sodium, aluminum, and zinc, they can create mini-grids that provide clean energy around the clock.

2. Self-Driving Vehicles

Tesla has been working on this project for many years and has finally built a prototype that works. At their head office in Palo Alto, California, they’ve been running tests on the Model S which has this autopilot technology. Even though it’s not completely available, Tesla is confident they’ll have the first vehicle with this technology ready by next year. Not only that, but other companies are now testing autonomous vehicles so they can stay competitive in the market.

3. Hands-Free Assistant is one of the largest e-commerce sites online, and they’ve been aggressively marketing the Echo. It’s a hands-free device which includes a speaker. The Amazon Echo is completely controlled with your voice so you can ask it to play music, provide information, news, sports scores, the weather, etc. When Amazon started this project 2 years ago, they had to develop AVS (Alexa Voice Service) to connect with Echo. Over the last several months, they have fine-tuned their AVS system to include beam forming technology so it can hear you from across the room – even while music is playing.

Each year, Amazon continues to fine-tune their device so it can do more when you ask it to. To find out more about the cool new features being added to Amazon Echo, and the new Echo Dot, visit Amazon Echo hacks.

4. Continuous Digital Experience

Over the years, you’ve probably noticed how things are becoming more connected into one complete experience. This will continue to happen throughout the years as people are looking for a smart home experience. Companies are developing ways to connect everything in your home with one central control pad. Through the main control pad, you’ll be able to schedule laundry, turn off the TV, alarm your home, print, and sync everything too. If you head over to eBay and/or Amazon, you’ll notice that they are offering smart pads for purchase, however, complete packages are yet to be included.

5. Smarter Applications

If you have a mobile device, then you have applications on your phone. Not only that but these applications are specific to your needs, allowing you to interact the way you want to online. For example, if you’re into photography, then you have photo apps that allow you to customize images. If you’re into games, then you’ll have gaming applications for entertainment…right? In general, the open-source platform for mobile operating systems has allowed people to develop customizable applications for others, and make enormous money doing it. However, it’s time to push the envelope further because mobile phones are getting more sophisticated since you have more RAM, memory, speed, and users.

Advanced phones are leading to better applications where you’ll soon be able to control other gadgets at home and at work. Now you’ll do less work while your smartphone takes over because it understands your habits, interests, and more.

Final Thoughts

Hope you enjoyed my breakdown of 5 technological trends, and I know there are more which could have been included in the list. However, these were the five major ones we should keep an eye on because they are definitely shifting our environment. The cool thing about technology is that it changes at a very rapid pace so within 6 months, you’ll have 5 more dominating the list. If you’re a gadget buff like me, you’ll be keeping a close eye on what’s newly trending, and how it will change the way you interact with others.

The post 5 Recent Technological Advancements In 2016 appeared first on Lifehack.

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