Viral Now - 6 Things to Consider Before Getting a Divorce

Divorces are extremely common throughout the world, and especially in the U.S. Many people have been divorced multiple times and have to deal with the fallout for the rest of their lives. There are also many studies showing that people who get divorced find themselves no happier than they were before getting divorced; so it is important to consider all the options when discussions of a divorce come up. Here are a few things to think about before signing on the dotted line.

1. Emotions

Even the party that wants the divorce usually finds themselves sad and depressed throughout the process. This is true, especially in the immediate aftermath. It’s completely normal and comes with the anxiety of starting over and not knowing what your future holds. There are always some old feelings that still exist, both parties feel it and usually feel regret for whatever rash actions were taken.

2. Consider your kids

Everyone getting divorced is obviously thinking of their kids in the process. It’s hard to anticipate just how big of an impact a divorce can have on children’s lives. Huffington Post did a great study in 2014 where they talked to kids and let them express what kind of effects divorce was having on them. The study revealed seven surprising effects, listed here. One of the most interesting is that children of divorced parents can struggle more as adults.

3. Anger hurts you

Whatever the reason behind your decision to divorce, there is likely to be some anger. Unfortunately, while you may be justified in being angry towards your ex-spouse, your anger will likely hurt you more than it will hurt them. If you are angry, you will probably think of them a lot more than they think of you, and it may eat you up. They will move on with their life and only have to see you occasionally. It is also known that holding anger is bad for your physical and emotional health.

Just let go of the anger, forgive, and move on. You will be happier and you will be able to lead a more normal post-divorce life.

4. It’s never too late

Most states let you pull out of a divorce settlement at any time until the judge has officially made a ruling and filed the paperwork. If you are thinking of pulling out, you can read more about how to cancel a divorce here. It is also worth noting that many states don’t require any waiting period between a divorce and another marriage. That means even if the divorce has occurred but you still want to make it work, you can be married again in less than 24 hours. While this isn’t ideal, it is possible. A relationship in which parents continue to change their feelings toward each other is going to be difficult for any children involved.

5. Never talk bad about your spouse to your kids

Your kids will likely still love both you and your ex. If you find yourself bad-mouthing your spouse to your kids it is probably time to stop. Your kids will struggle with it. They may even turn against you and see you as the reason for the divorce. No matter how much blame there is to go around, let it go, and let your kids figure it out as they grow up. They will appreciate your maturity and willingness to move on no matter how much it hurts to do so.

6. No hurry

Don’t rush into your divorce and don’t try to fast-track your dating life right after the divorce. Divorces are big decisions. Take your time all throughout the process. If you end up seeing your divorce through, take a little time for things to settle. People that are emotionally hurt often don’t make the best decisions. Keep in mind that post-divorce is an extremely important time to make smart decisions, for your kids and yourself.

The post 6 Things to Consider Before Getting a Divorce appeared first on Lifehack.

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