Viral Now - Seven Ways Super-Productive People Stay Motivated

It takes discipline and self-awareness to remain motivated day after day, yet super-productive people work towards their goals daily, regardless of the obstacles they face. It’s not as if successful people do not meet challenging situations every now and then. It is just that they’ve learned to embrace them and deal with them accordingly. While it is so easy to procrastinate and make excuses, to attain success you have to learn to push the bar to get those things you desire.

It’s time to get yourself on the right path. Here are seven things super-productive people do to stay focused and motivated.

They plan.

Super-productive people understand the importance of proper planning. When you know the direction your day will take, it is easier to be confident about it and be organized, which makes it easier to accomplish goals. Proper planning allows you to prioritize your task and focus on the more important activities. Eventually you do not have a cluttered day but one that is more purposeful and rewarding.

They engage in positive self-discussion.

You should always try to maintain a positive attitude, and a good tool for doing so is to begin each day with some positive self-talk. Tell yourself things like, “I will have a great day” or “I am an excellent and happy person.” When you leave home with a positive mindset, you’re much more likely to accomplish your goals for the day.

They read and listen to motivational stories.

Listening to negative tales can be depressing. Super-productive people prepare themselves for the day by consuming inspiring stories. This keeps them motivated to become go-getters.

Adam Force founder of Changecreatormag says he reads through Best Quotes of the Day before he sets out on his day’s tasks. Inspiring narratives and quotes help keep super-productive people open to new ideas and developments. It’s up to you to find stories and storytellers who fuel your passion.

They have a support group of positive people.

There is a reason why successful minds seek other successful minds. Think of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, or Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. When you hang out with someone who shares your goals, their energy rubs off on you. Super-productive people usually seek out support groups of like-minded, positive acquaintances, and often reach out to members of their networks.

They take breaks.

People assume great achievements require running on little sleep, but it has been scientifically proven that taking naps helps maintain motivation and mental energy. When you can give the body the needed breaks it deserves, it becomes a vehicle for success.

They track their progress.

It is so easy to charge through life without taking the chance to stop and analyze one’s present situation, and how past decisions have led to it. Super-productive people take time to pause and reflect on what has happened to them and what they have accomplished. They learn from their mistakes as well as their successes.

Tracking your progress can keep you motivated. Taking time to celebrate your successes will help prepare you for the next challenge. While not hitting your goals can be a motivation killer, it is up to you to assess what went wrong if you aren’t meeting your self-expectations.

They follow their passions.

People who pursue their passions know that utilizing strong emotions is the best motivator available. It’s up to you to find an activity that fuels your passion.


It takes time and effort to build healthy habits that will lead to success. The principles of productivity and excelling toward your goals remain the same regardless of your profession or commitments. Be obsessed with your mission and attain more productivity.

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