Viral Now - Why Self-Improvement Leads To Career Success
This article will show you what steps you need to take to improve yourself and ultimately attain career success. When you continually improve yourself in knowledge, skills, experience, and efficiency, the result is continuous career growth. This means that your pursuit of career success will most predictably fail if your only goal is to seek career progression. However, if you commit to pursue self-improvement, with determination and persistence, the results should be career success. With that in mind, here are five steps for self improvement that should lead to career success.
1. Take The Risk And Venture Out
Step out of your comfort zone, and challenge yourself to learn more. The character of Steve Jobs, the co-founder and late CEO of Apple, demonstrated that only when you step out of your comfort zone can you spark your creative genius. Minor, short-term, self-improvement drills may initially seem futile. Ultimately, however, when all these small improvements are consolidated, they lead to outstanding career success.
2. Seek Comprehensive Improvement
Do not focus exclusively on one area of improvement. Rather, have a consistent goal to improve yourself in everything. Learn and keep learning, until gaining all additional skill sets essential to your career. Invest in self-improvement, and progressively add skills. Never characterize yourself as ‘not good enough,’ as this is an escape route from taking control over your life and career. Take action. Focus on identifying your weaknesses, and concentrate your energy on overcoming those weaknesses, turning them in to strengths. All of this self-improvement will be consolidated and the result can only career progress.
3. Take An Objective Perspective
You can lie to anybody and get away with it (however this is not recommended). However, you can never lie to yourself. Have an innate desire to explore your future from an objective perspective. Look at your life as another person would, and evaluate what improvements you need to make. This includes your career. In the case of your career, always spend a minute every day to reflect on your character, decisions, and choices from an objective position. This will give you the compass for your growth process.
4. Be Accountable For Your Self-Improvement
Embrace the challenge of consistently, persistently, and progressively investing in self-improvement and then be accountable for that progress. Always have accurate, complete self-evaluation of what you need to improve, overcome, and learn, and then do exactly that. Career growth is not a product of economic status, social prestige, or personal background. Career growth is a product of the desire for and commitment to self-improvement. Be accountable, and you will nurse that desire and commitment to blossom.
5. Stay Foolish, Always
Invest in learning. Learn anything…playing the piano, how to juggle…as long as you keep learning. This keeps you curious about life, and can reduce burnout in your career. During the commencement speech at Stanford, Steve Jobs said it well when, towards the end of his speech, he said, “stay hungry, and stay foolish.” So, continue to absorb as much knowledge and skill sets as you can. Don’t be bashful. Remain curious in your life and career!
Always remember that self-improvement does trigger career success. Even after you start your career, never stop developing yourself. Without progressive self-improvement, you will remain stagnant. With self-improvement, even in the absence of a career, the result is always growth. Your self-improvement can create a prosperous and successful career for you. And, even better than that, an amazing and fulfilling life, filled with constant new adventure and learning.
Image Credits :
Businesswoman Via Pixabay, Angry Businessman Pointing at his Employee Via Freepik, Boss Executive Businesswoman Via Pixabay, Smiling Businesswoman with Team Via Freepik
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