[Amazing] 25 Intriguing Facts About Hollywood History
Not many people will disagree that much of popular culture has been influenced (and continues to be influenced) by Hollywood history and its films (in both good and bad ways). In many instances, Hollywood has educated the younger generation and retold stories in colorful cinematic fashion that were either forgotten or only discussed in university-level history or literature courses, with 300 and the Battle of Thermopylae between the Persians and the Greeks being a somewhat recent example.
However, the fact that Hollywood and its movie releases clearly have a significant impact on billions of people across the globe isn’t always a good thing; quite often Hollywood has a negative influence on modern thought and culture. Many stereotypes and misconceptions about certain population groups, countries, and cultures have been disseminated by Hollywood films to the point where people tend to believe they are true. Also, movies are often used as political propaganda with many—especially during the Cold War—being totally inaccurate with a clear desire and objective to mislead the masses about certain ideas and actions. We could write a whole book about the pros and cons, the positives and negatives, of the film industry’s impact on society and culture, but for now we’ll just present you with 25 Intriguing Facts About Hollywood History that will enlighten you about your favorite movie industry