[Amazing] 25 Movie Titles If They Were Changed To Clickbait
Clickbait…it’s probably one of the most hated online media techniques. In spite of that though, it can be funny sometimes. Especially when you’re the one coming up with the clickbait. Today, however, we’re going to apply this technique to popular movie titles. After collecting some of the best suggestions from across the web, we present you with these 25 Movie Titles If They Were Changed To Clickbait!
Featured Image: commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)
He Rubs The Lamp. What He Does Next? Genius.
Source: the-daily.buzz
Panda Learns Kung Fu...Click To See Full Video!
Source: distractify
Kung Fu Panda
This Young Woman Froze Her Entire Kingdom! What Happens Next Will Give You Chills!
Source: thechive
Watch As This Old Yellow Dog Captures A Young Boy’s Heart. What Happens At The End Will Have You In Tears.
Source: thechive
Old Yeller
This Mentally Challenged Man Will Break Your Heart In 10 Minutes!
Source: thechive
Forrest Gump
This Little Homesick Extra Terrestrial Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity
Source: distractify
This Old Man Modified a DeLorean. You Won’t Believe What Happens Previously!
Source: thechive
Back To The Future
After Her First Love Was Lost At Sea, She Found A Princely New Suitor. What Happened Next Was Inconceivable!
Source: Slant_Juicy via reddit
The Princess Bride
You’ll Never Believe How Many Dalmatians Are In This Movie!
Source: Bigred2989 via reddit
102 Dalmatians
Are You Dreaming Right Now? One Amazing Trick To Make Sure You’re Not Getting Your Thoughts Stolen!
Source: distractify
These Five Teenagers Spend Their Afternoon In Detention. What Happened Next Will Warm Your Heart!
Source: thevoid68 via reddit
The Breakfast Club
7 Reasons Why We Might Be Living In A Computer Simulation. #5 Will Blow Your Mind!
Source: TheAethereal via reddit
You Won't Believe What The Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything Is!
Source: the_named via reddit
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Instead of being clickbait, some movie titles just give it all away. Take a look at 25 Movie Titles That Give Away The Plot.
Find Out What It Is That Samuel Jackson Has Had Enough Of!
Source: distractify
Snakes On A Plane
EXCLUSIVE: The New Club That Nobody's Allowed To Talk About!
Source: Bronn-Burgundy via reddit
Fight Club
Local Man Searches The Galaxy For The Elements. You Won't Believe How Number 5 Saved Him!
Source: rosewolf70 via reddit
The 5th Element
This Man Looks Younger Every Day, Doctors Hate Him!
Source: distractify
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
9 Fellows Go To Destroy A Ring. Numbers 3 and 4 Made Us Cry But You’ll Be Amazed At What Number 7 Did!
Source: distractify
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
You’ll Never Guess What Happens To This Unsinkable Ship!
Image: commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)
10 Things I Hate About You!
Source: Bbaker221 via reddit
10 things I hate about you!
They Stole His Car And Killed His Dog. You'll Never Believe What He Does Next!
Source: CedarWolf via reddit
John Wick
This One Amazing Service Will Guarantee You Citizenship! Would You Like To Know More?
Source: laststandman via reddit
Starship Troopers
He Got Left Behind. How This One Weird Trick Saved His Life And Could Save Yours Too!
Source: phoebe81 via reddit
Any movie starring Matt Damon
Rich Kid Loses Parents...You Won't Believe What He Does With His Inheritance!!
Source: aspleenic via reddit
If you’ve enjoyed this list, check out 25 Countries That Did A Very Strange Job Of Translating Movie Titles.
A Lonely Candy-Maker Lures Children to His Factory - What He Does to Them Will Shock You!
Source: YourFavoriteAuD via reddit
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Photos: All photos fair use from Amazon.com except for numbers 3 & 7
25. Aladdin, 24. Kung Fu Panda, 23. Frozen , 22. Old Yeller, 21. Forrest Gump, 20. ET, 19. Back to the Future, 18. The Princess Bride, 17. 102 Dalmatians, 16. Inception, 15. The Breakfast Club, 14. The Matrix, 13. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 12. Snakes on a Plane, 11. Fight Club, 10. The Fifth Element, 9. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 8. The Lord of the Rings, 6. 10 Things I Hate About You, 5. John Wick, 4. Starship Troopers, 3. Nicolas Genin via Flickr, 2. Batman: The Dark Knight, 1. Willy Wonky and the Chocolate Factory