[Amazing] 25 Things That Really Did Live Up To Their Hype In Spite Of The Doubt
Whether it’s a movie, a game, or even a theme park ride, every once in a while something comes along that really sends the hype levels through the roof. You get excited and book tickets in advance, you make sure you show up early, and then…it’s every bit as awesome as you thought it would be! These are 25 things that really did live up to their hype in spite of the doubt!
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Millennium Force at Cedar Point
When it comes to roller coasters, this one can’t be overhyped.
Mad Max: Fury Road
It was hyped like crazy and still beat many people’s expectations.
They did get some flak, but apart from that, they exceeded the expectations of even the people that were hyping them.
The first NBA Dream Team
They were hyped to be good. They were better than that.
Pokemon Go
In spite of all the glitches, and not quite living up to its own advertisements, it came out with a much bigger bang than anybody expected.
Considering its budget, it did really well with all the hype.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
There was some hate considering that Disney was in the picture, but it met the hype head on.
It was definitely a miracle drug.
John Wick
When it comes to revenge thrillers, very few live up to the hype like John Wick did.
Google Fiber
It provides internet speeds up to 1GB/s, which is over 100 times faster than the average American.
It seems cliche, but Hawaii really is what people say it is.
Wait until you see number 7! This isn’t the only place in nature that lives up to the hype.
The Dark Knight
There was a ton of hype, but it was warranted.
This video game far exceeded its early hype.
Lebron James
Cleveland’s economy is basically based on him. Very few athletes have managed to live up to the hype that was focused on them. Lebron did so time and time again.
Lord of the Rings
Collectively, the movies won 475 awards.
Harry Potter
It’s early hype seemed unwarranted, until you read the books.
Few shows have lived up to this sort of hype.
Back in the day, people thought that cars would soon go out of style. They moved slow, broke down, and were a pain to use. Then came the Model T.
The Grand Canyon
Pictures don’t do it justice.
For when you are too cheap to buy new windshield wipers.
It was launched with 1GB of storage at a time when other services were only offering 100MB. And it was free. People thought it was a joke at first.
Nuclear bombs
Only a few people would have been able to predict the destructive power of modern bombs.
Personal Computers
In the beginning, nobody knew what you would need a computer at home for, or what you would do with it.
Most people saw them as being a fad. Then came Apple and Android.
The internet
At first people weren’t sure what to make of it. Then search engines happened.
Photos: 25. Connie Ma via Flickr, 24. Film cover photo (fair use) via amazon, 23. Intel Free Press via Flickr, 21. Eduardo Woo via Flickr, 20. Film cover photo (fair use) via amazon, 19. Film cover photo (fair use) via amazon, 17. Film cover photo (fair use) via amazon, 14. Film cover photo (fair use) via amazon, 13. Video game cover photo (fair use) via amazon, 12. Keith Allison via Flickr, 11. Юкатан via wikimedia commons, 6. Michael Mol via Flickr, 1. Rock1997 via wikimedia commons