Exclusive - 8-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Suffocation Inside Car After Being Left By Parents

The family of Janna Jacobe, the 8-year-old girl who died of suffocation inside a car, were left with painful regret after they unconsciously left her in the car sleeping. 

Joan Papa, the girl's stepmother, explained that together with relatives, she and Janna spent most of Tuesday evening in a mall in Pasay. All 10 of them were packed in the small borrowed car. They got home at 3:00 a.m. last Wednesday

Evening came and they already returned the car to its owner when they noticed that the young girl is missing. After looking for her in the house the whole day, they finally decided to check inside the car.

They found the dead body of Janna In the back sea suffocated to death, as the initial investigation reported.

Authorities say that the driver can be charged with negligence resulting to homicide. However, the true owner of the car will not be facing any liabilities as it was only borrowed by the family.

Netizens who've heard the news were enraged over the negligence of the poor girls family. Many of them pointed out how it was possible to forget the child for a whole day.

Although the autopsy showed that Janna seemed to have passed peacefully and was completely oblivious of her suffocation, inside, many who have heard the news still feel that the whole incident is irresponsible. 

This case served as an alarming reminder to all parents out there to watch over their children carefully so the same instances will not happen again.  

Source: TNP, GMA

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