Exclusive - Caught On Camera! Extremely Rare Pink Dolphin Swimming In Louisiana Lake! You've Never Seen Anything Like This Before!

All of God's creatures have a unique beauty that many people appreciate. From the proud visage of the eagle to the simplest hard-working ant, animals have natural charm that allows us to appreciate them

When a chance encounter with a rare animal presents itself, and is documented, you can bet we’ll fall in love all over again. 

This bottlenose dolphin was spotted in the brackish waters of Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana. Dolphins swimming in lakes are an unusual sight, but that’s not the reason why people are buzzing over it. 

The dolphin was pink! From it’s flippers to its tail, this dolphin is completely pink. 

Caught On Camera! Extremely Rare Pink Dolphin Swimming In Louisiana Lake! You've Never Seen Anything Like This Before!

Caught On Camera! Extremely Rare Pink Dolphin Swimming In Louisiana Lake! You've Never Seen Anything Like This Before!

Caught On Camera! Extremely Rare Pink Dolphin Swimming In Louisiana Lake! You've Never Seen Anything Like This Before!

This special dolphin, named “Pinkie”, has become a beloved animal within the area. People come from all around hoping to catch a photograph of the aquatic mammal.

Scientists are also interested in Pinkie’s coloring. A common theory is that Pinkie is an albino dolphin.

Albinism is a condition which can affect any species of animal. It is characterized by a lack of skin pigment and the results are often dramatic. 

It however doesn’t explain the striking pink hue of her skin. 

According to Erik Rue, the charter boat captain who first saw her, “[She's] a perfectly normal dolphin and does all the things the rest of them do,” 
Rue further added that Pinkie is curious and friendly – sometimes she gets as close as 5 feet from Rue’s boat.

The challenge all animals with albinism face is their ability to hunt and camouflage themselves from danger. Thankfully Pinkie doesn’t seem to have any problems in either case.

She was even spotted swimming with a male dolphin. Perhaps little baby pink dolphins are on their as well? 

What a delightful creature!

Watch her video here! She’s bound to bring a smile to your face.


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