Exclusive - Erwan Heussaff Translates Miss France's Answer To Miss Universe 2016 Question! Was It Really Mistranslated?

The 65th Miss Universe coronation has come to an end and Miss France Iris Mittenaere was hailed as the newest Miss Universe.

However, the beauty queen was immediately put in the light of controversy as reports about the discrepancy of her translated answer in the question-and-answer portion of the pageant started to spread. 

According to sources, Miss France's interpreter provided a wrong translation of her answer. It generated many raised eyebrows especially from people who are fluent in the French language.

Because of the misinterpretation rumors, some people have demanded a more accurate translation of Miss France's answer. In order to provide clarity to the issue, half-Filipino and half-French Erwan Heussaff, brother of TV personality Solenn Heussaff, took to Twitter to provide his own translation of the answer.

Erwan's Twitter post went immediately viral as it clarified the supposed mistranslation. 

Before Miss France was crowned 65th Miss Universe, Miss Haiti Raquel Pelissier was considered the 'crowd's favorite'. However, the pageant officially closed with Miss Haiti being named 1st runner-up.

Did Miss France's interpreter really make a wrong interpretation? Tell us what you think!

Source: TNP, Erwann/Twitter

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