
Exclusive - Filipino Nannies Changed The Life of This Malaysian Heiress And Now She Sends Filipino Children To School!

The story of Shirley Maya Tan, a Malaysian heiress, was featured in one of the articles published by Inquirer. net. Shirley's extraordinary story inspired many netizens.

In an interview with the Inquirer, Shirley shared how her journey started with the help of the people who played major roles in her life including her Filipino nannies. The 47-year old Malaysian is now a community builder in Enchanted Farm in Angat, Bulacan. Shirley is also a writer and a blogger whose life was changed because of the people around her.

Shirley shared that she was once a 'spoiled brat' who only cares for her luxurious living. She even shared that she is lazy, so blogging about her experiences helped her to improve her interests. According to her, her problems include having difficulties in choosing what car to buy, (Porsche or Ferrari) without realizing "how the other half lived".

Because of an advice which was given to her by her Tibetan Buddhist teacher Tsem Rinpoche, Shirley learned the most important lesson that changed her entire life. This guru helped her change her ways and see the things that she has not yet seen.

“I realized: I had everything but I was the poorest person in the world, because all I had was money. I didn’t have anything else,” Shirley said.

Filipino Nannies Changed The Life of This Malaysian Heiress And Now She Sends Filipino Children To School!

Enchanted Farm is a Gawad Kalinga community where Shirley is dedicating her time and effort. In this community, Shirley is helping Filipino children with their studies by providing them their needs. Shirley was inspired to help Filipino children because of her experience with her Filipina nannies. She recalled that she once became a bully to them but she saw how they love her despite her attitude. She then realized that Filipinos deserve her pay back.

“I was quite abusive and mean but they were always so sweet. They were always there to tie my shoelaces, feed me breakfast, pick me up from school.  They would even shield me with their own bodies when my father tried to hit me. I bullied them like hell, but they would still love me. I guess its karma, and now I’m reversing it. The most meaningful way for me to pay them back is to adopt Filipino children and give them the opportunities they deserve, so that maybe they won’t have to leave the country. It’s very personal.” Shirley recalled.

Shirley even wrote a blog post expressing how the Philippines made a difference in her. It was titled “How the Philippines Taught Me to Love Malaysia.”

Filipino Nannies Changed The Life of This Malaysian Heiress And Now She Sends Filipino Children To School!
Source: TNP, Inquirer
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