Exclusive - Recent MMFF Entry ‘Oro’ Faces Disqualification Due to Dog-Killing Scene

This year's MMFF didn't fail to disappoint in terms of quality. However, it also had its fair share of intrigue and criticism.  

The latest intrigue involves the controversial film Oro's depiction of animal cruelty, which shows the practice of eating dogs.  

Animal welfare activists in the country – specifically PAWS, headed by Anna Cabrera – called for the disqualification of the film since it failed to disclose to the MMFF Executive Committee that it portrayed animal cruelty. 

To resolve the matter, the MMFF ExeComm members called for a closed door meeting together with the film’s director Alvin Yapan.  

For his part, Yapan said that he is saddened that viewers are more concerned with the dog-killing instead of paying attention to the film’s message, which is the injustice prominent in small towns. 

He noted that they followed the advice of the committee, including editing out the part with the dog-killing. 

Sen.  Grace Poe also called out to the MMFF organizers to look into it, since the film received the FPJ Memorial Award – which was created in memory of her deceased father, Fernando Poe, Jr. She requested that, if proven guilty, the award should be revoked. She cited that her father, FPJ, would not condone such an act. 

As of now, no final decision has been made. Stay tuned for further announcements.

Recent MMFF Entry ‘Oro’ Faces Disqualification Due to Dog-Killing Scene
Source: TNPinteraksyon

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