Exclusive - Unbelievable! Chinese Brat Throws Tantrum and Repeatedly Kicks His Mother Because She Refused To Let Him Play With A Smartphone!

Every child should respect and love their mother. After all, without your mother you wouldn’t even be born.

Mothers are willing to sacrifice so many things, so long as their children get what they need in life.

Yes, some kids might develop a rebellious side to them as they mature.  That's what scolding and the occasional spanking is for – to teach kids discipline and respect.

Unfortunately, this Chinese boy takes his rebellious phase way too far.

A report made by Shanghaiist features a video showing a young 10-year-old throwing a tantrum and repeatedly kicking his mother. The video has circulated all over Chinese social media.

The reason for the son’s outburst is because the mother wouldn’t let her son play with her smartphone.

According to reports, the incident is believed to have occurred in a hospital in Guangzhou, China. The trending 8-second clip begins with the boy kicking his mother while an elderly woman, believed to be the boy’s grandmother, tries to stop him.

The boy eventually stops his disrespectful and abusive behavior midway through the video. However, just as the grandmother sits down, the boy runs back and kicks his mother again. The mother verbally scolded her son but did nothing else to stop him.

Due to China’s one-child policy, many Chinese children are spoiled rotten, with so few of them getting disciplined properly. These infamous children are the so-called ‘little emperors’ of China.

Many netizens expressed their disappointment over the boy’s behavior. Check out some of their comments below:


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