Trending Now - Cat Who Was Carrying More Than Half Of His Weight In Matted Fur Goes Through Incredible Transformation

Meet Sinbad the neglected Persian cat who was was found covered in 5 pounds of matted fur. “Sinbad came in to our shelter after a utility worker saw him in the home of an elderly gentleman. The man wasn’t able to care for himself very well, and that was evident in Sinbad’s condition,” Elliott Serrano from The Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago told Love Meow.

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When the ‘fur carpet’ was shaved off of this 7-pound kitty, it turned out the matted fur weighed more than half his weight! Unfortunately, due to the lack of use, the kitty’s hind legs got atrophied, but Sinbad didn’t give up.

“He was so tolerant and sweet during the grooming which was grueling. It took hours,” says Elliott. He added: “We had to force feed him for a bit to make sure his digestive system would keep working and not hurt his kidneys.”

The man, who originally took the feline as a foster, ended up adopting Sinbad.”Now he’s getting lots of TLC and attention… “I’m just astounded at how he just loves people, even though people haven’t always treated him very well,” says Elliott. “It’s a lesson we could all learn.”

More info: The Anti-Cruelty Society | Facebook | Instagram (h/t: lovemeow)

Meet Sinbad the neglected Persian cat who was was found covered in 5 pounds of matted fur


“Sinbad came in to our shelter after a utility worker saw him in the home of an elderly gentleman”


“The man wasn’t able to care for himself very well, and that was evident in Sinbad’s condition”


When the ‘fur carpet’ was shaved off, it turned out it weighed more than half the cat’s weight


Unfortunately, due to the lack of use, the kitty’s hind legs got atrophied


“Now he’s getting lots of TLC and attention… “I’m just astounded at how he just loves people…”


“Even though people haven’t always treated him very well… It’s a lesson we could all learn”


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