
Trending Now - Watercolor Birds To Celebrate My First Anniversary Of Painting With Watercolor

A couple of months ago I added a post about my watercolor experience (in a few of months I’ll celebrate my first anniversary of painting with watercolor) and today I’d like to share my progress again focusing on birds.

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Why birds? Because for me it is an opportunity to get deeper into details on a small sheet of paper and at the same time an endless opportunity to try endless combinations of different techniques enjoing the beauty of these creatures.

More info: Instagram

Bleedings on wet in wet technique is definitely something only watercolor can do. But using it as more “graphy” technique lets you get deeper into details. Working on each feather definitely takes time and patience (something I would only dream about few month ago).

May 2016 vs. Janyary 2017. My friends on Instagram say: “Oh, come on! These are just different styles!”. I like this excuse, but honestly both in May and in January I wanted to get the same result.

Painting white using watercolor is my favorite thing. In fact white is never white – it hides so many different shades! For instance, painting this white raven I used ultramarine, burnt umber and vermilion hue. And I finally learned how to paint decent tree branch!

Another challenge is entourage. To make it informative but don’t let it overweight the main character.

Sometimes it might look easy. But believe me it doesn’t always happen right away. A couple of months ago I wrote that it’s all about using the right tools such as paper/paints etc. But the most important tool is self-criticism.

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