Viral Now - Be Together For The Right Reasons. Don't Rush. Don't Settle For Less.

Many of us are taught that all we need for a good relationship is someone whose company we enjoy, together with a sense of mutual attraction. However, as we get older, it becomes apparent that basic compatibility isn’t enough for a happy partnership. You’ve probably had the experience of dating someone “nice” who didn’t really make you happy, yet you felt compelled to carry on seeing them in the hope that it would somehow work out. This is a recipe for misery. Save yourself from unnecessary heartache by vowing to stay with a partner for the right reasons. The following are several of the most common reasons why people tend to stay together even when they are not truly compatible and would be better off apart.

Reason #1 The Fear Of Being Single Or Lonely

If you have ever watched all your friends pair off, get married and have children, while you are still single, you may feel as though there is something wrong with you or something unlovable about you. This is a dangerous mindset because it can lead you to commit to an unsuitable partner just so you have someone to call your own. If you feel lonely, work on widening your social network and enjoying your own company so that you never fall into the trap of dating someone just for the sake of having someone to talk to.

Reason #2 Hope That Your Partner Will Magically Meet All Your Needs

Some people never teach themselves how to fulfil their own needs, so they stay with a partner in the hope that the other person will somehow make them happy, complete and able to finally chase after their personal goals. If this sounds familiar, you should be aware that no one else can make you happy. If you are not content in yourself, you cannot be fully present in your relationship. Fortunately, the tendency to rely on others for your happiness can be overcome by building a strong foundation of self-esteem. When you are happy in yourself and focusing on your own life goals, you will feel a fundamental sense of security, even if you are single for a long time.

Reason #3 The Fear Of Losing Resources Such As Finances Or A Social Network

If your partner has plenty of material resources or has introduced you to a whole new circle of friends, you may be extremely reluctant to end the relationship. You may worry that you’ll miss out on spending time with people you like or that you’ll need to adapt to a lower standard of living. Some people also find that they are reluctant to part ways with their partner because even though the relationship is no longer working, they love their partner’s family more than their own and would miss the support. If this describes your situation, work on finding other sources of support (whether financial or social) so that you can face up to the possibility of leaving your partner without having to fear a drop in your quality of life. Remember that leaving an unsuitable relationship will make you significantly happier over the long run, as you will be free to meet someone who is a better match.

Choose To Put Your Happiness First

Relationships are not always straightforward, but choosing the right partner and making the effort to lay the groundwork for a healthy partnership is worth the investment. Learn from your past experiences, work on making yourself the best person you can be, and make sure your relationship attitudes are healthy. Then, you will be able to attract the right partner into your life. Staying with the wrong person may be easier over the short-term, but you will never be truly happy and fulfilled unless you know your relationship is continuing for all the right reasons – mutual love, attraction, compatibility and shared life goals.

The post Be Together For The Right Reasons. Don’t Rush. Don’t Settle For Less. appeared first on Lifehack.

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