Viral Now - The Body Builder: 5 Ways To Monetize Your Physique

Here are 5 different techniques you can employ to monetize your physique, using real-life examples.

1. Become A Model

Although the modeling industry is dominated by women, there is still a thriving niche for men with the ‘right physique.’ In this niche, your job responsibility would be modelling clothing items, jewelry and other commercial goods for public consumption.

The first step to take is setting up a profile on a modeling and/or body-building platform that outsources body builders to companies who require such services. ( is a good place to start.) As your profile increases, your ability to earn increases as well.

2. Compete In Bodybuilding Contests

Body building contests are a great way for you to put your name out there in order to garner some publicity, which in turn will boost your earning potential. A good example is the Arnold Schwarzenegger’s rise to fame, from a simple body builder to competing in and wining both the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia trophies. Competing in these contests paved the way for his career in Hollywood. So why not take the right steps to bulking up with the aim of winning your state’s local body building contest?

3. Create A Fitness Blog

A fact most body builders know is that the art of bulking up is always a personal journey, which everybody must experience for his or herself. If you fall into the category of people who have achieved their personal body-building goal, provide some expert tips by creating a personal blog for people to read about your experience. It’s a great way to monetize your body building experience. Make sure the tips you provide speak directly about your experience. This is due to the fact that a generic blog on bodybuilding is not likely to generate much interest. An example of a good personal blog is Strength Trainer, Mike Mahler’s. In his blog, he covers unique training issues, personal diet and bodybuilding techniques, which you can use as inspiration for your personal blog.

4. Kick-Start A Career As A Personal Trainer

Having a good physique ultimately means that you have developed healthy eating  and training habits over an extended period of time. As the saying goes; anyone who has spent 10,000 hours working on a craft is a professional. If you have achieved the proverbial 10,000 hours or have met your own personal goals, the next step may be teaching other people.

To become a personal trainer, some education courses and certification may be required. Also, your interpersonal skills and the ability to teach will play a huge role in determining your success rate in the long run. Simply put, one must put in considerable effort in learning how to become a personal trainer. This effort may end up being lucrative once you start building a loyal client base.

5. Start Your Own Supplement Company

Most body builders make use of food and health supplements throughout their careers in the body building industry. If you fall under this category, provide help for future body builders on the right supplements they can use. You’ll be helping others and germinating income.

There are a couple of ways to do this: you could sell supplements to a a third-party retailer, large corporations, or develop your own line/company. To do this right, you must invest your money and other resources for a lengthy period of time.

Now that you know these tips, get started! Take the right steps at the turn of the New Year to increase your earning power through something you love: bodybuilding.


Image Credits:

Woman doing abs over a ball , Woman with dumbbells in a shopping center Via Freepik

Featured photo credit: pressfoto / Freepik via

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