Viral Now - If You Long To Become A Better You, You Should Realize These Brutal Truths First
Of course most of you are headed toward improving yourselves. But what most people don’t realize is how unrealistic goals we tend to set. Moreover, the key word here is the goal – you tend to set your mind only on the final outcome. But the journey is what matters the most. What you learn and what you go through are what make you a better person.
For instance, after graduating from college you solemnly make a vow that in five years’ time, you’ll be the embodiment of success – working at your dream job. Then that doesn’t happen. You despair, and you perceive yourself as a failure. This is not a reason to give up – you just need to look deep down and realize it’s not all about reaching one goal, it’s about trying to be the best version of yourself. And working at a job you may not have wanted in the first place can teach you so many valuable things you will need later.
Stop Trying to be Somebody Else
The common mistake you can make is to look up to somebody in the way you want to be like them. Having a role model is not about trying to live their lives – it’s about motivating you and showing you that your dreams can come true. Every one of you is unique in a beautiful way, so you shouldn’t long to live somebody else’s life.
Do What Makes You Happy
What you should do in every situation is to give your best. Even if you fail, that’s not a failure, it just means that path wasn’t right for you, and you should embark in a different direction. You can rest assured you did your best, and it simply didn’t work out. That means it’s time to move on. Sometimes your family and people who are close to you expect you to live up to their standards of success. You try so hard to please them, and when you fail, you feel like you’ve let them down.
But it’s actually you who was let down. You should find what makes you happy, and follow that path slowly and patiently, while trying to learn something new about yourself every day. Then you can use what you’ve learned to be a better person. Taking the path of self-improvement is full of trial and error, you just need to keep in mind these are all the lessons you need to learn to become the best version of yourself.
Appreciate the Journey
Learning about who you truly are and fully realizing your potentials doesn’t happen overnight. It’s crucial to accept that fact if you really want to make progress and reach success. It is important to cherish the journey since that’s what truly matters – that’s what will make you a better person. When looking upon successful people it might look like they achieved their goals in a heartbeat, but they had their share of difficulties they had to go through to become who they are today. It’s important to realize that not all of life’s secrets will be revealed to you instantly.
Trust the Process
There are no shortcuts to becoming a better person, we learn important things bit by bit. Valuable lessons come to you exactly when you need them, not just when you want them. You need to trust the process and whatever you do, do it with passion, and success will come. It is important to keep trying, and to be aware that it’s always better to try and fail than to do nothing. If you don’t go out there, take a risk and try something new, you will never grow and learn.
As Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Becoming the best version of yourself is not easy, but you really have to put yourself out there and try, and try, and try again. There will be many things you won’t be able to influence or change, but what you can change is how you react in unpredictable and difficult situations.
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