Viral Now - This Professor Shows What It Means To Be A Teacher - Both In Life And Death
What does being a teacher entail? Prodding students around? Assigning detentions? Giving an endless amount of homework?
Perhaps that is what most students would think. Yet, in this short video, we can see how teachers are guides and inspirations. Revolving around a professor of medical studies throughout life, the story hints to us the importance of teachers in our lives.
“I don’t have parents! Even if I graduated, no one would be proud of me!”
“I would be proud of you!” The professor yelled.
Nop was studying to become a doctor. Yet the financial pressure and the lack of someone to rely on was slowly pushing him over the edge. He worked late, skived classes, flunked exams … until one day, his professor marched up to his house to yell some sense into him.
It was not long after he graduated when his professor fell into a terminal illness. In a cruel twist of fate, his long-time mentor passed away in his bed. Yet, he was left with a short letter, explaining his professor’s dedication towards teaching throughout his life – and even in his death.
“Not many realized that doctors and teachers have one thing in common: when we see the people we treat are better, we’d be happy too.”
We may not realize how fundamental and impactful our teachers have been in our lives. Yet, every one of them has left a mark, making us a better person in the end. So let us take this opportunity to give our sincerest gratitude to our teachers!
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