
Viral Now - Which 5 People Have You Chosen To Spend Time With? It Can Predict Your Future

Multiple researchers, self-help experts and business leaders have come to the same conclusion: your network determines who you are and the scope of your success. This shouldn’t come as an awful surprise to most people: after all, we are who we are thanks to our experiences, and what would those experiences be without the important people in our lives?

In this article, we’ll explain these concepts for your benefit, and, more importantly, teach you what you need to know and how to apply it to your life for your success. You’re the average of the five people closest to you, and that can predict your future.

The Research

The quote that this article directly references comes from Jim Rohn. Rohn wasn’t a scientist or anything- he was an entreprenuer. He built his fortune with AbundaVit and Nutri-Bio, both diret-selling companies. Building his fortune gave him the experience he needed to become an author and motivational speaker, who wrote multiple books on self-improvement.

Despite this, a number of studies back up his statement. Research indicates that people’s economic opportunities are largely based on where they live. This extends to and includes the people you know.

Meanwhile, the Chicago Journal of Consumer Research states that the experts in any given field prefer negative feedback than positive feedback— this is because negative feedback encourages these people to improve to get past it, while positive feedback doesn’t encourage this response and instead encourages complacency.

So, are you surrounded by people who challenge you to be better than what you are or by those who praise you for standing in place?

How It Predicts The Future

You see, the people surrounding you predict your future because they directly determine your opportunities and your standards for yourself. If you’re surrounded by people who aren’t successful in their lives, you aren’t going to have the networking necessary to connect with people who can bring out your truest potential.

Meanwhile, if you’re also surrounded by people who hold you to low standards, you won’t get the kick you need to keep improving in your life. Your goal as a person should be to constantly improve and constantly push yourself to better heights, not to stand in place like a statue and let the world flow around you.

Applying This Information To Your Life

Finally, let’s start talking about how you can actually apply this information to your life. If you’re looking to succeed in a certain field, your goal should be to surround yourself with people who have succeeded or are succeeding in those fields.

For instance, if you plan on getting ahead in the world of technology, it’d be a good idea to have friends in high places— friends who work at places like Google or Amazon. Friends who can critique your work and help you get ahead once you’re ready.

Of course, not every friend you have can be working for a massive tech company. But of the five people you spend the most time with, they should all meet the following requirements:

  • Holds you to a higher standard than you hold yourself.
  • Is ready and willing to constructively criticize your work.
  • Empowers themselves in their own lives and looks to empower you as well.

As long as your closest connection hits all three of those bullet points, you’re in a good place. Now, you can tackle your future and start making it your own.

The post Which 5 People Have You Chosen To Spend Time With? It Can Predict Your Future appeared first on Lifehack.

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