Exclusive - Oplan Tokhang Proof! This Anting Anting Promises to Protect Its User From Guns and Stabbing!
The Duterte Administration started with a bang when it immediately implemented its Oplan Tokahng in the first fw days of being in power. The Oplan Tokhang headed by the Philippine National Police aimed to target and eradicate what President Rodrigo Duterte considered to be our country's largest problem- drug trade and use.
In the months that followed,news stations and shows often kept a tally of those people who diead and got arrested in these violent operations. The reaction from the people were mixed, some were happy that finally we have an administration who is committed and intense in its goal to remove the drug problem, and others most especially human rights advocates who thinks that the operations are ghastly and violates the constitution.
Currently, Oplan Tokhang is put on halt and some drug bust operations were handled by PDEA, but apparently its effects are so massive that people wanted to prepare.
And prepare they are doing, apparently there is an anting-anting available in Quiapo which promises to protect its user from gunshot and knife stabs.
According to ABS-CBN this anting-anting sells like pancakes. More and more people wanted to protect themselves from the fear of being caught up in the Tokhangan craze.
The anting anting was reportedly called "niyog na bato".
What can you say about this anting-anting? Would you also try it for yourself?
Source: TNP , Definitelyfilipino