
Exclusive - SHOCKING! A Teacher Beat a 10-year-old Girl to Death Just Because She Couldn't Read!

Corporal punishment in school is still being practiced in obscure parts of the world.

In this little girl's case, it was the unfortunate cause of her death. A teacher at her school found out that she could not read and began hitting her on the head.

The teacher urged her classmates to do the same. Daily Mail reported that Joy Wangari, a young girl who lived in Nairobi, died in the hospital after suffering from abdominal and back pains for four days after the attack. She was a student at Mukandamia Primary School.

SHOCKING! A Teacher Beat a 10-year-old Girl to Death Just Because She Couldn't Read!

According to a parent named Mary Wanjiku, "The desk mates were ordered to teach her how to read and beat her if she could not." The students' parents suspected that her classmates were urged to beat her in order to cover up the teacher's brutality.

Joy complained to the school's headmaster after the incident and was allowed to go home. Her neighbor, Ann Warimu, stated, "I visited the girl at home and she looked very weak and complained of abdominal and back pains. She said she was beaten by her teacher and classmates."

She was brought to the hospital after her condition began to worsen but during the course of the treatment, she died. Sub-country Director of Education Kamemba Kamande claimed that they are already conducting an investigation regarding the incident.

Another parent named Simon Mureithi stated that it was not the first time violence has been committed at the school by its teachers. He said that he transferred his child to another school after finding out that his son was badly beaten by a teacher.

There were also other parents who have shared the same complaint. Simon said, "We demand that all the teachers be replaced by more humane ones."

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Source: TNP , DailyMail

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