
Exclusive - Thinking She Was Cheating on Him, This British Man Beats His Chinese Girlfriend to Death!

Earlier in February, a 24-year-old Chinese girl who moved to Oxford was brutally murdered by her British boyfriend after thinking that she cheated on him.

According to Daily Mail, the victim, Bi Xixi is from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. She was finishing her master’s degree in International Business at Cardiff Metropolitan university. She can speak 4 languages and was a bright student.

Bi got into a relationship with Jordan Matthews, 23, back in 2015. The two have lived together since then.

Things got bad when Matthew allegedly started beating up Bi and forced her to skip lectures. He has a black belt in Karate.

Bi tried to conceal her bruises with makeup. Others described her boyfriend as  ‘manipulative’ and ‘possessive’ towards Bi and forced her to turned into a ‘submissive’ and ‘apologetic’ individual.

It was also later learned that it was Bi who earned for their funds. She paid for the rent, the bills and she even bought his clothes and their car.

A day before the horrific incident, Bi travelled to London to meet up with a friend when the friend noticed the bruises on her face. 

When Bi came home, Matthew picked her up. They got into a heated argument after he saw something on Bi's phone. Thinking she's cheating on him, Matthew raged.

What he did to Bi was described as a ‘vicious, sustained and prolonged attack’. He even dialed 999 for emergency after his attack.

“Well, me and her had a bicker last night and I hit her a few times. She fell asleep and then I had been really, really horrible to her, I was really worried and now she’s struggling to breathe.”

Bi's autopsy showed 41 injuries all over her body including a broken jaws and broken ribs when her body was found. All of these caused her severe blood loss and extensive tissue damage.

Matthew's texts were revealed in court and it says creepy messages,

“The thing is see, I have ADHD babe, and when you do these things I ask you not to, it sets off a trigger I can’t control.” 

“Stop texting me you worthless piece of s***. You never do anything right.”


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