Exclusive - This 85-Year-Old Man Sells Snacks In Public Vehicles But What A Man Did To Him Will Surely Make You Cry!

Photos of an elderly man selling snacks by the roadside of  United San Pedro have gone viral.

The original Facebook post by Francis Guerrero Edralin features the netizen’s encounter with this snack vendor who’s been selling traditional Filipino snacks for a long time. 

This 85-Year-Old Snack Seller Is Touching Netizens' Hearts of With His Story! Read Here!

According to the post, he didn’t much time to talk to the elderly seller because he was carrying many snacks to sell. He did, however, find out a few details of his long life. Edralin, for instance, asked the elderly man for his age and found out he was 85 years old. 

Prying further, he asked a rough estimate of how much the vendor makes in a day. He said that he makes around P 330. Edralin revealed that he bought some snacks from the older gentleman, and has splurged quite a bit of money because he had just received his pay. He even let the vendor keep the change and informed everyone where he can be spotted.


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