Trending Now - 10+ Hilarious Reasons Why The Spanish Language Is The Worst
You shouted, and we listened. Spanish is next on the docket of languages that we’d just like to sit down and have a little chat with. The language of old Castile certainly has its romantic side, but let’s talk about all the times it made us say ay, caramba!
Spanish is a direct descendant of Latin, just like Italian and French, and thus has the familiar charm of its relatives. It’s the second most common language in the world, and is officially spoken in 20 countries spread across 4 continents. It’s also pretty much a running gag on the Internet, and its colourful accent and vocabulary inspire brutal memes.
If you’re one of the estimated 90 million people taking on Spanish as a second language, just remember that those little accents really do make a difference in what you write, and that all those verb tenses are only slightly terrifying.
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