Trending Now - K9 Won’t Stop Kissing His Partner During Official Photo Shoot
Conservation Officer Levi Knach and Kenobi, his faithful K-9, recently sat to pose for an official photo shoot – but, instead of being professional, the doggie took it as a perfect opportunity for some serious cuddles. Now the pictures of a pooch kissing his partner are going viral. And we can’t really blame officer Knach for breaking into a smile – it would be impossible to have a poker face when facing snuggles like these. You can tell it’s true love…
The officer and his dog are members of Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) law enforcement agency. When Kenobi is not attacking Knach with his kisses, together they are going after the bad guys and are saving the day.
“[Officer Knach] and Kenobi constantly train for the unfortunate situations of locating missing persons, locating evidence from criminal activity, and detecting illegally taken wildlife,” DNR Corporal Rodney Clear told The Dodo.
At the end of the day, the two did manage to get a serious shot. However, now we know the truth behind it.