Trending Now - This Paraplegic Man And His Fiancée Announced Their Unexpected Pregnancy In The Best Way Possible

Todd Krieg may not be able to walk, but he’s clearly still capable of getting things done. His fiancee is pregnant, and the Internet is applauding their hilarious announcement, a photo posted to Instagram last week that sends a simple message – “it still works!”

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After a horrific motocross accident left Todd paralyzed from the waist down, he was told he may never be able to have his own children. While staying in a recovery centre in California last year, he fell in love with therapist Amanda Diesen. They got engaged 3 weeks ago, and are now expecting a baby boy in August, defying the odds in a relationship that has undoubtedly overcome numerous obstacles.

In a new series of photos taken by Kayla Duffin, the couple looks radiant and happy as can be. Todd and Amanda are currently trying to win the wedding of their dreams through Brides Live Wedding 2017, and you can vote for them here.

More info: Instagram, Kayla Duffin Photography

Todd Krieg and Amanda Diesen announced their pregnancy last week with this photo


They’ve also confirmed that they’re having a boy


After a motocross accident left Todd paralyzed, he was told he may never be able to have his own children


The couple defied the odds, and the Internet is loving their infectious happiness


They met at a paralysis recovery centre in California, where Amanda was working as a therapist


They fell in love, and are engaged as of 3 weeks ago


In a new series of photos taken by Kayla Duffin, the couple looks radiant and happy as can be


“We are blessed to have each other and are truly a perfect match” Amanda wrote online


“The joy he brings me is unexplainable and he is my best friend”


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