Trending Now - University Professor Asks Straight People The Questions Gay People Are Tired of Hearing
For LGBTQ people, especially those living in less tolerant spheres, ignorant questions about their identities are painfully common. A university professor in Florida decided to take a stand against it by turning the tables, and asked the same questions of heterosexual students in the class. The satirical quiz was shared on Twitter by one of their students, and is going viral for all the right reasons.
Reactions to the post included standard flare-ups of homophobia, stoic disapproval, and people who just didn’t get the joke. But an overwhelming majority of the responses praised the teacher and their courage. The tweet has also been shared by over 17k users, meaning the discussion is going far beyond the classroom.
High-five to this progressive prof for advocating another technique that just might help foster some more understanding in our severely divided world.