Viral Now - 5 Survival Tips Parents Can Use to Successfully Navigate Through The “Terrible Twos”

“One day she’ll grow out of it,” was the only advice my parents could give me when I first approached them about how they had successfully survived the terrible twos not once or twice. While I knew that my daughter’s behavior was only a phase, I still needed some better advice than “she’ll grow out of it.” That was a given. I instantly ran to social media and the Internet to begin finding ways that others parents had successfully used in order to help their children overcome the terrible twos and while I recognized that every parents is different I was able to identify a few key tips that every parent could utilize.

Be Patient

Patience is a virtue and definitely not just something you are born with. As a first-time mom, I thought I had all the patience in the world until my daughter hit her “terrible twos” and then life forced me to take my patience to an entire new level. While many toddlers will do practically anything in order to see just how far they can push you, it’s important to continue being patient with them. Impatience encourages your toddler that much more to keep pushing the limits.

Don’t Overreact 

Most of my parent friends don’t agree with me on this one, but I am a firm believer in not overreacting. When my daughter casually throws herself on the floor and starts screaming help, I simply pretend to walk away. It is in that moment that she recognizes that her actions aren’t going to warrant a reaction from me and she instantly gets up and pretends as if she didn’t just cause a scene. While I do take pride in my decision not to overreact, it was literally developed due to trial and error. At one point the easiest way my daughter could get a reaction out of me was through a tantrum until I realized that’s what she wanted and then I instantly changed my reaction.

Consistent Discipline

If you really want to raise responsible kids there are several parenting tip sites that discuss consistency in disciplining your child. The goal of disciplining your child is never to hurt them physically or emotionally; however, the goal is to help your kids choose what is acceptable behavior and also how to practice self control.

Show Your Children Attention

Many children will act out more when they feel as if they are not getting the attention they so desperately need. While showing your child attention may seem like a no brainer, it’s not as easy as it seems. We live in a world where things are literally always moving and for many parents it’s hard to take long periods of time and dedicate them solely to play or reading time. It may be hard but it’s something that must be done. Notice your children’s cues. If your child cries for no reason or even begins to be extra clingy these could be early signs that your little one is desperately in need of your attention.

Don’t Beat Yourself

It doesn’t matter if this is your first child or your last, no parent has the perfect parenting model. Even if it seems your friends or other parents have their parenting skills down to the tea, be reminded that no one is perfect. Don’t ever get so caught up in the mistakes you make that you realize to acknowledge the great parent you truly are. When times get rough, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this too shall pass.

What tips have you found to be successful in helping your children overcome the terrible twos? Leave your comments below.

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