Viral Now - 5 Ways to Enjoy Festivals With Pets

We might all find ourselves smiling at the sound of the word “festival.” A festival, based on the dictionary, is defined as a celebration of an event. One example is a parade which gathers people from far and wide without restrictions and without prejudice. These are times when you can find people smiling, laughing, chatting and singing, and people are filled with fun and joy.

However, many pet owners have a misconception that a festival is impossible to enjoy when you’ve got to take care of another being. When you’ve got to feed, clean and pay attention to another creature who plays a major role of your life. However, there’s always a way you can have fun with your furry friends.

How do you do it? This article will clearly explain how you can enjoy festivals and parties even with a pet around. It’s a compilation of various personal experiences and stories that will help shed light on this issue.

1. Train Your Pets To Be Crowd-Friendly

One of the best things about having pets, especially dogs, is that you can easily train them to be people-friendly. Pets emulate their owners, since they have the need and desire to be accepted and to be part of a family. The saying “Be Roman in Rome” fits our pets’ personalities very well, so training them to enjoy being part of a crowd can be helpful.

However, if you’re heading to a music festival or somewhere where it’s easy for a pet to get lost, train your pets to always come back to a specific destination. Through training their senses, especially their senses of smell and direction, you will help them to find you again if they wander while you party. However, this concept applies more to dogs than to other pets.

A pet that knows how to find you is a dependable pet.

2. Always Be Ready for Camping

If you’re going to a festival, especially a music festival, it’s best to camp. Camping allows you the liberty to choose your location and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the party while being close to your tent. This way, your pet can also be close to you.

Based on my personal experience, one of my favorite festivals would be the Sziget Music Festival in Budapest. Known to be one of the largest music festivals in Europe, it’s one place where me and my dog always attend together. The trick is that I’ve always left him around the tent, which is close to the river, where he can chill if the day gets too hot. I’ve always placed some food hidden around the tent’s surroundings to allow him to explore and walk around looking for food.

This way, my dog will never become lost, as he always comes back to the food. Even if he’s a few feet away, I can always find him.

3. Leave Enough Food for Your Pet

Our animals thrive on being instinctual, more like the way humans were once upon a time. Even though we base our thoughts and our decisions on logic, the one aspect we can never ignore is the feeling of hunger. Hunger makes us act based on our instincts, and it also changes our thought processes, hence the term “Hangry” came about. Being extremely hungry can lead to the emotion of anger.

The one thing you should always remember is to leave enough food for your pet outside your tent or around it. When your pet gets hungry and there’s no food, it will tend to wander until it finds something to eat. Its sense of smell will take over its behavior, and its need for food will only lead it farther and farther away from the place you left it.

Therefore, in order for your pet to not get lost and for you to not lose your pet, always remember to feed it. Also, situate yourself in a location where there’s plenty of drinking water for your pet.

4. A Tracking Chip for Extra Caution

Our technology has developed far beyond where it was in the 80s, when festivals were symbolized by wild celebration and were places fit for no pet. We have developed technologies that can do things from building artificial organs to tracking people with a simple chip. However, not all chips needed to be implanted in one’s body; advancements in pet monitoring have provided simpler options for pet owners.

You can either opt to use a collar with a tracking device or use an ingestible tracking device. You can find tracking collars for your pets in various high-end pet stores. These trackers are customized, and you can program them either to your phone or to a separate GPS. On the other hand, an ingestible tracker can be given to your pet in its food, and the device is usually pooped out by your pet within a certain duration. Both of these types of devices can be programmed to your phone or monitored using your GPS device.

However, these are rather costly methods, so if you’re considering them, you need to be willing to dig up the budget for the. Before using an ingestible tracker, it would be wise to consult your veterinarian for advice, as you wouldn’t want to harm your beloved pet.

In Conclusion

Our pets are an important part of our lives. They keep us grounded and calm, hence there’s no reason they shouldn’t be at a festival with us. With these tips, you will find it easier to enjoy festivals with your pets accompanying you. However, if you find it a hassle, you can always find a pet-sitter.

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