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In today’s era of processed and packaged food, every health-conscious person is well aware of what organic food is and how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

And, for all those who still haven’t heard, foods that are grown pesticide- and chemical-free to certain standards can be labelled as organic food. Food made using organic ingredients can also fall into this category. That’s the layman’s explanation, though it’s a pretty deep topic.

Now that you know the definition of organic food, understanding its benefits can’t be that hard. People are returning to all-natural products and foods, because conventionally-grown food is thought to be the reason for the many health issues we experience today.

How can I tell whether a food is organic?

If you are buying packaged organic food, then it will say on the packaging that it is “organic” or “100% organic.” These are labels overseen by the USDA. Producers are allowed to use those labels so long as they adhere to the rules and regulations of that governing body.

Even if you are buying fruits and vegetables from the produce section of a grocery store, the foods that are organic should be labelled as such. You can also tell by verifying the PLU sticker on the produce.

What are the benefits of organic food?

There are so many benefits of producing, raising and consuming organic food, some of which are:

  • Organic farming is better for the environment, as it does not cause contamination with pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilisers
  • Packaged organic food and organic produce are sometimes more locally produced, because they contain no synthetic preservatives and may not keep on the shelves as long.
  • Animals raised organically are not given antibiotics, which makes them far healthier sources of protein.
  • Organic food is free from any genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In the US, buying organic is the only easy way to know that your food does not contain GMOs, as there are no labelling standards for GMOs here.

Is organic food affordable?

Well, to be honest, if you are planning to switch to organic food, then be prepared to spend money. Organic food is expensive not because it is trendy or healthy but because it is expensive to grow.

Organic farms are often small, and the cost of maintaining them and producing food is expensive. This is especially true of organically-raised meats. However, there are ways to be a savvy shopper and get the best deals on organic foods.

What are the easiest ways to purchase organic food?

  • The best and easiest way will be if you have any organic farm in your immediate area, and you almost certainly do. If you have local organic farms nearby, then you can go and purchase the items yourself at the farm or at a farmer’s market. You’ll usually get more affordable prices that way because the supermarket’s profit is removed from the equation.
  • The second way to purchase is to look for local markets where you can buy organic food. You can easily locate stores that offer organic food items, as more and more people are opting for organic choices, and they are getting more popular. This, in turn, is slowly driving down prices as well.
  • The third way is to use online shopping sites like Thrive Market that specialise in organic packaged foods. You can buy organic food items online very easily and get them delivered to your doorstep. These sites offer a large variety to choose from, including items that may not be available elsewhere.
  • You can usually find the best deals at online sites as well. It makes comparison shopping easy. Read this detailed review of Thrive Market and competing sites to see if this is for you.

The reason why organic food is getting more popular is that as people are realising that the fewer chemicals used in producing a food, the better it is for your health.

Also, environmentally friendly practices are sorely needed these days, and organic producers are more sensitive to those issues. So, by making this switch, you can eat healthy, live healthy and keep the environment healthy!

The post Benefits of organic food appeared first on Lifehack.

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