Viral Now - Doing These 6 Things Can Make Your Man Love You More Every Day
You can’t ever really “make” a man love you more, but you can certainly do or not do a few to keep him happy as can be. As a woman, we always want the men in our lives to love and appreciate us for exactly who we are despite our flaws and sometimes crazy ways. Keep in mind that men are the same way. They just want to be loved and appreciated for exactly who they are. I put this article together to give you a little insight as to what I mean.
1. Don’t try to change him.
As frustrating as it sometimes can be, you and I both know we can’t really change a man. We can demand changes, but they will only really change if they want to make a change. A man truly accepts a woman when he feels that she genuinely accepts him for who he is. There is so much power behind a woman who inspires her man to become a better version of himself without making him feel that he needs to change.
2. He doesn’t need to like the same things you do.
The two of you aren’t going to always enjoy doing the same things. He may like paintballing with the guys, which let’s be honest, you’d probably never do. And then you enjoy painting classes, which is something that pains him to even think about doing. You should never make him feel guilty for not enjoying the same things you like. Just because he doesn’t want to engage in your hobbies and interests doesn’t mean he lacks love and respect for you.
3. Don’t ask him to give up his passions.
Men usually have something that they have a passion for. For example, they may love taking apart and building cars. It may be part of their identity and without it, they feel lost. Never ask the man you love to give something like that up or make him feel guilty for it so he spends more time with you. You’re all smart women, and you know by doing this it will only make him miserable. Here is the reassurance you all need sometimes- he still loves you more than you realize.
4. Don’t make him feel obligated to take care of you.
Of course you want a man who is going to make you a priority, keep you safe, and take care of you. We all want that. Sometimes we fall into this pattern of thinking where we demand our men to cater to our every single need. It may sound a little harsh, but he is not obligated to look after you; he can only choose to.
5. Don’t expect him to not take notice of other women.
You can’t expect him to not look at another beautiful woman, just like you and I can’t ignore when we see a really good looking guy. It is human nature to appreciate other attractive people. I’m not talking about allowing him to openly flirt with others in front of you because that is disrespectful. Try to understand that this is normal and accept it as calmly as you can.
6. Trust him.
We are pretty intuitive creatures and we know when something just isn’t right. However, sometimes we can be a little crazy and make up scenarios in our head off of something as small as an innocent text message from a female co-worker. What quality of a relationship do you really have if you don’t have a solid foundation of trust to build off of? If you can’t trust him, you will never feel secure.
Do your best to not overreact. If he hasn’t given you a reason to not trust him, you have to pull it together and get those thoughts out of your head. Try to compromise. Having mutual respect, empathy, and patience are very important to ensure peace and harmony in your relationship.
Being in a relationship is hard work. It can be exhausting and frustrating. But when you love him, you know you’d walk across the earth for him. Keep these things in mind to consistently keep happiness and stability in your relationship. And as much as you may sometimes want to strangle him, he loves you.
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