Viral Now - How To Be Better At Your Job

In this tough and unreliable job market, I think every one of us is worried about sustaining our jobs and moving forward in our careers. The key to having a better career or maintaining a stable job is, quite frankly, in nobody’s hands.

Sometimes very talented and trained professionals don’t get promoted, and sometimes less trained people are able to work for years in the same company at better positions.

Understanding that fact is not easy, but what you can do is train yourself or your employees to work better in your environment as much as you can.

What does being a good employee mean?

Being a good employee does not only mean that your boss is happy with you, but it is actually what I call being a useful entity in the company.

Impressing your boss is important, because it may help you get noticed or get a promotion, but for building a truly progressive career, it is important that you have the potential and training to fulfil your job description. Besides, I always find a sense of personal achievement if I am actually capable of doing my job properly.

Always being occupied or busy is not the sign of a good employee. Instead, I think, being punctual and efficient and always finishing tasks on time are more important and appreciated. For that, knowing your trade and the quality of work required in your industry is very important.

What to do to be a better employee

How you can be a better employee is a complex question, but there are some basic tips that you can follow to forward your career. These include:

  • Understand the needs of your job, and try to be a resourceful person for your company.
  • Understand what is appreciated in your office and by your boss.
  • Show confidence and a positive attitude.
  • Be organized with a proper to-do list and planner at hand so that you never miss a meeting or an important task.
  • Always be professionally attired and punctual.
  • Being efficient is a good thing, but over-efficiency can be a negative trait, so try to avoid that.
  • Try to be the solution provider in your company for whatever issue, big or small, that comes your way.

Why is important to learn company policies and rules?

It is always wise to know what you are getting yourself into or what you are up against. Getting training from your company to learn its policies is probably the first thing you should sign up for if it is not mandatory in your office.

There are companies, however, that make it compulsory for all employees to get compliance training.

It is important that you understand what protection or security your company offers you in your work environment. You must also know what the implications of any misjudgment on your part could be. For example, it can be very useful to know about your company’s anti-harassment rules so that you can feel secure in your work environment, especially if you are female.

Similarly, before sharing any information with non-players, you should understand the information security policy of your company.

Where to get compliance training

In some large multinational companies, a specific department provides compliance training, and it usually falls under HR training. But, there are also third-party companies whose sole responsibility is to give training to the employees of different organizations.

So, whether your organization has a department for compliance training or works with training companies, you should follow whichever procedure your organization requires.

Besides, you might not have a say about whether or not you want to get the training, as more and more companies are making it mandatory for their employees to get trained. This is very important in light of the latest laws, as compliance training is extremely important for reducing legal risks to the business.

The post How To Be Better At Your Job appeared first on Lifehack.

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