Viral Now - If You Want To Be More Decisive To Get What You Want, Remember These 4 Rules
Have you ever met someone who could not make up their mind? Maybe it is a simple choice of cuisine: Chinese or Indian. Or maybe the decision is a bit more serious like which school should we send our children to: public or private. Regardless of the decision, decisiveness is key to moving forward with daily responsibilities and getting what we want out of life.
Decisive people send a message to the world that they know who they are and what path they have decided to pursue in life. It is the difference between knowing who is goal-oriented or just wasting their time being wishy washy in life and about life. People who don’t make up their mind about simple decisions struggle with choosing a solution for larger dilemmas. Make sure you are decisive in life to fulfill your future dreams and get what you want out of life. In fact, consider these four rules as you move forward:
1. Fight the Fear
Fear shows its ugly head in a variety of ways. Indecisiveness is one of those ways. If you or a friend struggle making decisions, what are you afraid of? Taking a moment to name your fears and question the authenticity of the concerns. This step can go a long way in helping you understand yourself. It can also help you determine what is a real fear and what is an irrational concern. When we know what we are afraid of, we can then question the reality of the concern and, hopefully, move forward.
Questioning the fears is also a way to discern the best course of action. When we know what we want, we normally strive to get it. Fighting fear to get what we want is imperative to live a happy life.
2. Decide to Delay
Set a time limit for the decision that needs to be made. If you don’t want to decide right away, don’t. But create a deadline as to when you will state your choice about the dilemma at hand. This is one way to take the time necessary for research or to examine your fears, if there are any.
3. Take a Risk
It takes courage to move forward into the unknown. It is risky business to decide a course of action without any hardcore proof that the results will produce the desired output. However, if we lived our lives on the safe side, not wanting to make any decision unless we knew the outcome, we may wait forever.
Courageously decide to state your choice of the options available. Use the gifts of reasoning and insight to delete the undesired, expected outcomes of certain choices. Then, with the remaining options left, pick one. You can positively project into the future what might happen based on the decision you choose. But with a positive attitude and pure motives, it is highly likely the results will be desirable.
4. Consult an Advisor
Sharing is caring. Taking the time to share your concerns with a trusted friend, mentor or advisor is one way to demonstrate you care about the impact this decision could make. It is also a way to step into a role of leadership that highlights the magnitude of responsibility the decision entails.
There is nothing wrong with not knowing what to do. But there is something wrong with being reckless and not making a decision at all. If you find yourself over analyzing the options or too afraid to think about the situation, maybe this is a great time to talk to someone who is not as emotionally connected to the problem. Their level-headed assessment could make the difference between a good decision and a bad one. Their opinion could help you determine what outcomes could likely occur.
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