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A wise man once said, “Life is a battle of Cosmic vs. Psychological reality.”

This statement has profound connotations in regards to all of mankind’s universal beliefs, thoughts, and existence.

The psychological aspect of a person’s learned behavior from birth could be described as a nearly impregnable wall of beliefs. An individual who was taught and self-taught in a material world. A world where the five senses of observation can become a religious following of accumulation.

This psychological learned behavior can be the most beautiful or the most horrific prison of the mind.

On the other hand the Cosmic person, Celestial Mechanic, Physical Cosmologist or Astrophysicist has an automatic self-awareness which goes beyond the immediate five senses.

The earth as we know it is smaller than a spec of dust on the hide of an elephant’s backside.

Every individual on earth could likely be described as the quantum particle of the universe. This immensity and visualization in mind are what we require to gauge a clear understanding of Cosmic vs. Psychological existence.

Thinking Outside the Box

The mind will tell us what everything is according to what we see, hear, feel, touch, smell, and experience in the physical world.

The cosmos will tell us we are but the equivalent of a passing thought on a universal level.

The path to a widened mind is found by looking outside of our learned psychology and realizing the cosmic existence of scale, and its impact on our mindset and behavior.

Thinking outside of the box of our immediate existence allows a natural neuroplasticity within the physical brain. New neural connections and networks are created which allow greater growth, clarity, and understanding on a much higher level.

Physics theory and celestial calculations are involved in such visuals as shown above. Let us say the inside box represents the knowledge within while the outside box is the unknown. Like a fish that swims in the known universe of water. The fish lives and breathes water. It is the known. It is the tank of life for the fish. The unknown for the fish as we know “would be incomprehensible.” As an observer, If a fish had the intellect to look beyond their known universe how would that play out for the other fish in the sea? We can assume the ideas, concepts, and methods proposed by that fish would likely be accepted only by those who carry openness, interest, curiosity and tolerance in their hearts.

Let us say the inside box represents the knowledge within while the outside box is the unknown. Like a fish that swims in the known universe of water. The fish lives and breathes water. It is the known. It is the tank of life for the fish. The unknown for the fish as we know “would be incomprehensible.” As an observer, if a fish had the intellect to look beyond their known universe how would that play out for the other fish in the sea? We can assume the ideas, concepts, and methods proposed by that fish would likely be accepted only by those who carry openness, interest, curiosity and tolerance in their hearts.

Learning and Increasing Awareness

Any person with a relatively expansive intellect collects, retains and disperses information in a manner which is obviously different from the mainstream individual. Notice the pic below which shows the “access to meaning” area of the brain. This area also happens to be related to studies which involved meditation practitioners.

Tolerance, consistency, openness and interest will be paramount personality traits related to the success of anyone embarking towards increased awareness.

Support article from Author Trane Francks, see below:

“Consciousness and physical matter may be more related than we think. For example, we know that all matter exhibits particle/wave duality. Depending on the expectations of the observer, one sees matter behaving as a particle or as a wave. The expectations of the observer brings the question of consciousness inextricably into the equation, yet we don’t yet have the math to quantify this interaction. Being able to directly measure and quantify the effects of consciousness is an ambitious goal, but it may very well be strictly outside our ability because the simple act of observing (measuring) affects the outcome. You cannot observe something without having consequences.”

This descriptive statement above is not new physics information. It can be found in any documentary or talk about basic physics.

The reality of what you observe and interpret in your everyday life is the key to positive change.

Support material:

Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
November 18, 2015

“When the brain forms memories or learns a new task, it encodes the new information by tuning connections between neurons”

Berkeley’s graduate division on Neuroscience Website:

“Changing the brain: For optimal learning to occur, the brain needs conditions under which it is able to change in response to stimuli (neuroplasticity) and able to produce new neurons (neurogenesis).

Stress, adequate sleep, good nutrition, and regular exercise all play parts in the overall improvements.

The most effective learning involves recruiting multiple regions of the brain for the learning task. These regions are associated with such functions as memory, the various senses, volitional control, and higher levels of cognitive functioning.”

Diffused Learning: Getting Started

A simple 1 step task of starting with 15-60 minutes per day (15 days-30 days) on a topic outside of our immediate knowledge “such as cosmology or meditation” can help to expand our thinking, actions, and performance in all aspects of life.

Every individual will respond differently to this type of approach. Some will require shorter periods of stimulation and others more.

This diffused learning process must be carried out consistently for at least 15 days-30 days.

Audio tapes can be listened to during commutes, in the office, during light workouts, etc.

This is all about diffused learning and thinking on the right side of the brain.

Good luck readers!

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