Viral Now - Mentally Strong People Don't Just Tell Themselves To Be Happy, They Do These 4 Things

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you aren’t happier? Sometimes, it seems like the act of saying you’re happy isn’t enough to actually make you happy. It’s a good start, sure, but don’t stop there. Mentally powerful people don’t just hope for happiness, they take action to make it a reality. Why? Because they understand that life is meant to be enjoyed. So, without further delay, here are four things that mentally strong people do to achieve happiness.

1. They don’t base their happiness on achieving things that are out of their hands

Focus on the things you can control, and you’ll find that you’re more motivated and less worried about failure. For example, you can’t know when you’ll find love or when you’ll be able to afford your dream house. If you base your happiness on these unknowns, your mental health will suffer as long as they remain out of your reach. So, instead pay attention to how often you make efforts to bring yourself closer to your goals. Measuring small things like the steps you take toward a goal can immediately make you more certain and less worried about a situation. It’s a wonderful tool for self improvement.

2. They shift their worries away from the long-term problem

Instead focus on daily practices that will help you solve that problem. Worrying about the way things will turn out in the distant future is worse than unhelpful; it’s the cause of much unneeded stress. For example, if you’re worried about a piano recital or a public speaking engagement you have in a month, focus on preparing for it each day instead of worrying about how it will turn out. Trust that your present efforts will help you achieve what you want if you make them a routine.

3.They keep track their emotions using a bullet journal

A bullet journal[1]. Do you listen to all of the things your inner voice tells you? No, I’m not talking about your voice of wisdom when I say inner voice. I’m talking about the voice of fear: the voice that tells you why you can’t do something and why you’ll never amount to anything compared with the success of a family member. Are you familiar with that voice? Try this. Next time it speaks up and tells you you’re not good enough, ask it one simple question: “why?” You always have the right to ask this question. Remember that most of us are stronger, smarter, and more capable than we believe ourselves to be. Don’t let fear-based thoughts hold you back from your true potential.

Happiness is really quite simple when you remove all the preconceived notions that tell you otherwise. However, getting the things you want out of life and learning to be content and happy as you move towards your goals takes some effort. You’ll find that an open mind and perseverance are key. Using these tools, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be as happy as you want to be.


[1] BuzzFeed News: Here’s How To Use a Bullet Journal for Better Mental Health) )is a personal mix between a diary, a to-do list, and a planner. You can make lists and graphs every day that describe how you’re feeling physically and emotionally and the reasons for specific feelings throughout the day. You can also use the journal to track your daily habits. You will have a clear readout of how long you spent studying, exercising, and watching TV. A bullet journal is a wonderful tool that will help you see and change your habits. Better than that, it will show you how the changes you make each day effect your moods.

4. They don’t ignore their negative emotions

Try again. Ignoring negative emotions can actually be extremely harmful to your mental health. It’s better for you to challenge them((BuzzFeed News: 21 Little Ways To Be Happier in 2017

The post Mentally Strong People Don’t Just Tell Themselves To Be Happy, They Do These 4 Things appeared first on Lifehack.

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