Viral Now - Science Reveals The Best Music We Should Listen To At Different Time Of A Day

Bob Marley once said, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”  Whether you are pained by life because you have to get up in the morning or work an extra 15 minutes at the gym, music can certainly take the pain of any task away.

In fact, science reveals that music, if specific music is listened to at certain times of the day, it can have an impact on a person’s psychological response to the life. Whether the task you are completing stems from being angry, sad or sluggish, music can alter that state of existence.

It can cause the brain to focus or defocus, improve cognitive thinking, build confidence, influence action and more. Music is a powerful force that can be an ally any time, day or night…or to fit any mood.


If you want to feel confident and on top of the world in the morning, music with heavy bass sounds are best. Whether your choice is hip hop or heavy metal, or a variation thereof, music is known to alter your mood any time of the day, with these genres of music will take you a long way. It is even said to change the way your thought processes works.

Music can create so much confidence, scientists discovered, that it can prompt a person to take action before others who have not listened to music will.[1]For example, if you lined up a group of people who have not listened to music and ask them to volunteer to hike a mountain trail, you may get a few responses. But, if two members of the group have listened to heavy bass music, research reveals those same two people will immediately volunteer.

Noon – Do you eat lunch at noon or workout?  Music has something for you too.

At meal time, put on some jazz music. Scientists have discovered that jazz music makes any meal taste fantastic.

Play Time/Exercise – when it is time to pump it up, put on some upbeat, charged music to keep the blood flowing. It is sure to help you complete your workout while keeping your mood elevated for the inevitable pain that could follow.

Driving home from work?  It is best to keep the pumped up music for when you are not behind the wheel. Upbeat music is known to make drivers hit the gas pedal harder than normal.

Try some music less charged to soften and lift you mood and, maybe, promote you to sing.

Sleepy Time – if orchestras lull you to sleep when you are awake, imagine what they can do when it is time for sleep. Researchers suggest classical music allows people to travel through all the stages of REM and awaken refreshed and recharged for the next day’s adventures.

After a Bad Day

If you feel sad or melancholy after a bad day, music can help you feel the emotion, hear the emotion, embrace the emotion and work through the emotion. That is what scientists say listening to sad music can help us do when we feel down in the dumps. Of course, we are not talking about major depressive disorder, but if an event switched you into a sad space, try playing some sad music in your sacred space. In time, you can work through the difficulties of the matter and move on.

There are many benefits to listening to music. Plus, music has the power to recall memories, change the way we think and influence the way we behave. So intentionally choose your style of music carefully and wisely. It could mean the difference between a successful day and/or a painful existence.


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