Viral Now - Scientists Urge Drivers To Drink More Water Because Being Dehydrated Is As Dangerous As Being Drunk While Driving
Have you noticed yourself making small but potentially dangerous errors in judgment whilst driving? Made an incorrect lane change or maybe even overtook a car from the wrong side? You believe yourself to be a safe driver and thus do not drink and drive – which is great as long as you do not consume spirits. But if you do not drink water or are dehydrated while driving, it may prove to be just as dangerous as drunk driving!
What does dehydration do to your body?
Obviously, a dry mouth or the feeling of thirst, coupled with a low urine output is the first indication your body gives when it is low on fluids. What many of us don’t realize is that dehydration affects the body variously and things like bad breath, frequent headaches, dizziness as well as mental fog are also symptoms of being dehydrated.[1]Lethargy, feeling tired or sleepy and a lightheadedness that interferes with your ability to walk or stand properly and drive may also be indications of nothing but dehydration.
How can dehydration affect my driving?
Many of us avoid drinking water during long driving trips for fear of frequent bathroom stops. However, dehydration can make you drowsy, tired, and confused as well as put you in a state of mental fog – and if you are not mentally alert while driving, this can lead you to make many minor, or god forbid, major driving mistakes. A bout of dehydration-induced drowsiness can make you nod off at the wheel, while general confusion can make you miss important turns or highway exits. Studies have proven that human error is probably the cause of more than 90% of the crashes and traffic incidents in the world – being dehydrated compounds those errors since it makes you confused and foggy at a time when you need to be mentally alert.[2]
Is this really true?
Absolutely, according to a study led by Professor Ron Maughan of the Loughborough University in the UK, male subjects were put through a series of driving tests for over two days.[3]Altogether, 47 minor driving mistakes were made when these men were well hydrated but the tests when these same very men were dehydrated proved to be an eye opener. 101 mistakes were made when the men were deprived of water, and these many mistakes are pretty close to what would happen during drunk or drugged driving! Being mentally foggy also reduces your reaction time – you may not make an error but dehydration can make you confused enough to be unable to save yourself in time.
Tips to keep hydrated
Remember to drink plenty of water while driving and buy more water bottles at the next pit stop. Avoid caffeine and colas as they make you expel water and become a hindrance in staying hydrated so choose green or herbal teas instead. Avoid high-sodium (i.e. salty foods like chips and fries), as they will make you dehydrated again. Opt for crunchy veggies, juicy fruits as snacks and salads or soups as meals as these will aid you in staying hydrated.
Remember to keep yourself hydrated with water. Consuming spirits or drugs and driving is dangerous not just to the one who’s driving but also to the other hapless commuters on the road. Imbibing lowers your inhibitions and clouds your judgment and basically puts you as well as the others at risk, which is why driving under the influence (DUI) is a crime.[4]
Dehydrated drivers make the same number of mistakes as drink drivers
Don’t drink and drive, but don’t drive when you are dehydrated either. And any time you feel yourself getting too sleepy to drive, make a pit stop and take a nap. Remember the adage, better safe than sorry so make it a point to drive safe!
Featured photo credit: HuffPost via
[1] | ^ | eMedicineHealth: Dehydration in Adults |
[2] | ^ | Deep Blue:Tri-level study of the causes of traffic accidents |
[3] | ^ | Loughborough University: Dehydrated drivers make the same number of mistakes as drunk drivers |
[4] | ^ | DrivingLaws: DUI & DWI Laws |
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